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Spring League Program: Tournament Guide


The purpose of this guide is to allow spring league coordinators and or tournament organizers/hosts a manual of hints and procedures allowing them to organize a good tournament.

Prior to your tournament date

1.  HOST: Make sure you have your facility booked. You should have access to your facility 30 minutes prior to the start of the event. If you cannot get the facility for the scheduled time, then advise participating of any changes.
2 . COORDINATOR: Find two or three officials to referee your event. It is acceptable to use high school players as officials.
3 . HOST: Assign scorers to keep track of the score. It is not necessary to keep a score-sheet of the games. You just need to have someone flip the scorecard.
4. COORDINATOR:  Contact all coaches to get an idea as to how many teams you may have.
5. COORDINATOR: Make sure you have copies of the templates of different tournaments which are in this document.
6. COORDINATOR: Send emails so all teams know what the schedule will look like and where the weekly games are being held


HOST:  The day of the tournament

1. Set up your facilities. (2 courts). Set up tables for scorers and benches for teams. Also have two game balls available. 
2. Set up the electronic scoreboard clock to keep track of the time of games.
3. Run your tournament based on schedule sent out by Coordinator.


After tournament

1. HOST: Put all equipment away.
2. COORDINATOR Send results to two newspapers (Journal Pioneer - or (902-432-8216) and Guardian or (902-629-6035)).
3. Email results to Volleyball P.E.I. c/o Cheryl Crozier at (1-800-235-5687)

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